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Anle AL-388SA Dental Unit
Standard equipmen: ●Low-mounted instrument tray (with LCD function display) ●4 holes handpiece tube ●Floating dental unit with 9 memory (real leather / wider cushion) ●Rotatable glass spittoon ●Luxurious LED operating light ●LED panoramic X-ray film viewer ●High power suction / saliva ejector system ●3-way syringe ●Multi-functional foot controller ●Water tank ●Build in junction box ●Build in LED curing light ●Operating stool (real leather) ●Endoscope system |
Options: ●Top-mounted instrument tray ●High speed handpiece ●Low speed handpiece ●Build in scaler
●Power voltage: 220V / 50Hz ●Motor voltage: 24V ●Water pressure: 0.2MPa-0.4MPa ●Air pressure: 0.5MPa-0.8MPa |
عيادات اسنان للاطفال
يسر شركة جيرمان ميدكال كير ان تزف لكم بشرى سارة بقرب وصول عيادات اسنان للاطفال من شركة yaboshi وسوف نعلمكم بوصولها فور توريدها الي مخازن الشركة .
Radiopaque paste with dexamethasone
for the permanent obturation
of the root canal after pulpectomy.
Available in regular or slow setting.
Radiopaque and non resorbable preparation
for the permanent treatment of pulpitis
by pulpotomy of vital teeth.
Eugenol free, bactericidal, non resorbable and radiopaque
preparation for the permanent obturation
of the infected root canals, even in presence of a granuloma.